Academy360 Lower School

Located in Verona, NJ, our Lower School campus is home to students ages 3-14 years old.

Academy360 Lower School

Academy360 Lower School is an NJ State Board of Education Approved Private School for students with autism and related disabilities. Our educational programs are based on meeting the needs of each student and providing the tools they need to reach their goals. We take education to the practical level, translating reading, math and other academic subjects into life skills that continue to build as they grow.

In addition to academics, we created our programs to let kids be kids, offering all the traditional school activities from sports and music to after school activities and more. Our students’ happiness and life experiences are as important (or moreso) as the services they need.

Through respect and communication, Academy360 fosters an open, collaborative partnership with parents, students, teachers, support staff and district Child Study Teams.

School Levels

Preschool and Kindergarten

We offer a full-day integrated preschool program, comprised of students ages 3 – 5 years with autism and related disabilities, as well as a cohort of typically developing peers. Our kindergarten classes are integrated when peers are available.

Students receive related services on site, in accordance with their IEPs.

Elementary and Middle School

Our Lower School’s Elementary and Middle School programs are safe, positive and exciting environments for children. Our curriculum incorporates important social skills training, which are built into all aspects of instruction, electives and extracurricular activities.

We offer individualized programs based on a student’s IEP, plus a range of related services including on-site occupational and physical therapy, speech, supplemental reading support and more. Elective subjects include music, art, film, digital literacy, gardening and more.

Life Skills

In addition to the traditional and functional academics of our school programs, our curriculum, electives, extracurricular activities and related services all incorporate real world lessons necessary for independence. We aim to provide our students with the essential skills to live their lives to the fullest.

In our Life Skills apartment, students practice steps of daily life — from preparing meals to washing and putting away clothes. The apartment also serves as a natural environment for personal hygiene instruction and other lessons taught by therapists at the school.

Through Community-Based Instruction (CBI), class trips, respite and other outings, our students practice skills in real-world settings, taking part in experiences enjoyed by peers at traditional schools.

Learn more about Life Skills, CBI and CBWE at Academy360:

Student Life

We provide our students with typical experiences found at all schools. Our activities help them interact with their peers in a relaxed social setting, encouraging them to create friendships and lasting memories — a central part of any childhood and adolescence.

Electives, Activities and Clubs

Students take part in elective coursework, activities and clubs to develop skill sets in areas that interest them and discover new ones, including:


  • Art
  • Cooking
  • Film/Media
  • Gardening
  • Music/Music Therapy
  • Drama
  • Digital Literacy/Library

Learn about Music Therapy at A360: New Music is Playing at Academy360


  • Basketball
  • Cheerleading
  • Girl Scouts
  • Class Trips

Students participate in weekly enrichment clubs that rotate across the year, including:

  • Drawing
  • Robotics
  • Photography
  • Drawing
  • Gaming Club
  • Karaoke
  • Fitness

And more!

After School Program

For an additional cost, students can take part in after-school activities both on and off campus. Our After School Program offers students the opportunity to engage in a variety of high-interest activities and provides opportunities for socialization with their peers. Activities vary from term-to-term, and have included fitness, bowling, cooking, yoga, rock climbing, swimming and more.


Our Respite program offers students ages 12 and up an overnight social experience with peers under the careful supervision and support of our staff. Students enjoy a day trip to a local destination, prepare meals together and sleep over in our fully-equipped Life Skills Apartment. Participants learn to apply social, self-help and communication skills — and have fun!

In the past, students have enjoyed trips to Monster Golf, Turtleback Zoo, Jumpnasium and Paper Mill Playhouse, to name a few.

Adaptive Physical Education

Adapted Physical Education is physical education made appropriate for a student’s specific capabilities and limitations. Federal law mandates that physical education be provided to students with disabilities and defines Physical Education as the development of:

  • Physical and motor skills
  • Fundamental motor skills and patterns (throwing, catching, walking, running, etc)
  • Skills in aquatics, dance, and individual and group games and sports (including intramural and lifetime sports)

Our facilities include:

  • Exercise equipment
  • Gymnasium
  • Outdoor PE facilities
  • Physical Therapy rooms

Learn more about our teachers: Meet our Teachers: Sports & Fitness at Academy360


All of our classrooms are equipped with state-of-the-art technology resources.

We have a 1-1 device program and students can receive an iPad and/or laptop for school use.

Desktop computers, iPads, and handheld devices are used to deliver individualized and differentiated curricular instruction and learning assessments for each student.

We have Promethean Boards in each classroom for curriculum delivery in group and individual instruction.

Instructional staff are trained in the appropriate use of these devices and associated instructional software, and also when and how best to deploy them with students.

Extended School Year

For continuity during the month of July, students can participate in our Extended School Year (ESY) program. Students receive a full day of instruction to help maintain the academic, social/emotional, behavioral and pre-vocational growth achieved during the regular school year.

From swimming and hiking, to our annual and much anticipated S360 Sports Day/Field Day, the ESY opportunity exposes students to different opportunities.

Parents receive information regarding the upcoming ESY program before the end of Spring term.

Parent-Staff Organization

PSO360 (Parent-Staff Organization) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose objective is to fund raise, support and sponsor events for the students, families, staff and alumni of all Academy360 programs. All families are encouraged and invited to join. Membership to PSO360 has many benefits. It allows all members to participate, provide input and vote at monthly PSO meetings, access a family directory, as well as volunteer to join various fundraising and event committees in the hopes of enhancing every learner’s experience at Academy360. To learn more about PSO360, visit their website.

The trained, knowledgeable staff at Academy360 has taught him so many things that are incredibly valuable and essential for his quality of life.

Kristy Schroeder, Parent

Academy360 gave us hope for the future and is providing an amazing education. I am most thankful for Academy360 preserving Billy’s spirit!

Suzanne Delaney, Parent

Is Academy360 the right place for you? Find out how to schedule a tour, meet our leaders and contact us.