Recently, Barb Lanigan, Speech and Language Therapist at Academy360 Upper School shared a number of teachable moments opportunities with staff that can be used with students during Community Based Instruction (CBI) trips to Costco. Although these teaching opportunities were developed for use by staff, they are equally as useful for parents during trips with their children to COSTCO. Although some opportunities are specific to Costco, most are usable at any other store. These opportunities to practice important skills are appropriate for students at the middle school level and above. Happy shopping! ~ Jennifer Miller, Public Information Officer/Family Liaison
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- Have your child find their size on the boxes of shoes. Note where the size is located on the box and the color-coding. Have them notice the sign and the price of the shoe they are looking at. Make sure they practice placing the box neatly back on the stack after looking at the shoes. They can also look in their shoe on the “tongue” to check the size.
- If there is a sale price, have your child note the original price, note the amount taken off and the sale price. Also, have them note when the sale is over. It is written on the price sign as ex: 1/23/19.
- Look at tops/pants that have various sizes: S-M-L-XL. Have them identify what size they are.
- For male students, look at pants that have numbered sizes ex: 30 X 32. Explain that the first number is the waist size and that the last number is the length. Have them choose a pair they think will fit them and hold them up to see if they are a fit or close to it. Help them to fold them and put them back neatly (sticker with size side up).
- Look at the coats and see if they can identify their size. Check out the price.
- Compare the price of 2 different similar types of clothing. ex: 2 types of pants, sweaters, coats, etc.
- Have your child round up the prices. Ex 9.99 = $10.00, 29.99 = 30.00, etc.
- If they are capable, have them figure out the price of each item in a 2-pack. ex: 2 pajama pants @ 19.99 = $20.00, so they are $10.00 each (but you must buy both).
- You can use similar lessons in the produce, frozen, bakery departments, etc.
- You can play an “I-Spy” type game by going into an aisle and spotting an item. Say “Can anyone find the Progresso tomato sauce? (use the brand name). Explain to them to visually scan up and down.
- Explain that the Kirkland brand is the Costco brand and that you can compare 2 items (brand vs. Kirkland) and see that Costco/Kirkland brand will always be cheaper. (Obviously, this only applies at Costco!)
- If your child does not have allergies, allow them to sample the food that is offered. Always have them take a napkin and say “thank you.” Show them how to stand patiently while waiting, take a sample gently (not grabbing), step away to eat it. They can also ask the store worker a question about the food, its preparation or price if they want to. Let them know that it is polite to take only 1 sample. Find a garbage container to deposit the paper napkin or trash from the sample.
- After check-out, they do have a food area where your child can purchase inexpensive drinks and/or food. They have a limited menu with prices that are posted on colorful pictured signs above the food area. Practice buying something to eat or drink.
- If you do purchase items, help them to choose the cardboard boxes that appropriately fit the number/size of the items purchased, since they do not bag your items.
- Maneuvering a shopping cart safely is always a teaching opportunity!
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