Jonah Zimiles, Esq. MBA is the Vice President of the Spectrum360 Board of Directors, and father of Daniel, a client at Independence360. He is also the owner of [words] Bookstore, a popular local bookstore in Maplewood, NJ which provides vocational training and employment for individuals with ASD. Here, he shares his feelings about why donating to Spectrum360 Endowment Fund is so important.
Leaving a legacy to Spectrum360 is an opportunity to celebrate our appreciation for all of the terrific people who have worked with our son for many years, and a chance to address our recognition of the pressing needs for these services in the years ahead. Together, we can ensure that both our children and future generations will have the opportunity to take advantage of everything that Spectrum360 has to offer.
Endowment gifts are designed to have a portion paid out each year (equivalent to interest) and for the capital to remain in the fund to serve future years. These donations can be made using cash, securities, or other assets, during a donor’s lifetime or to take effect at the donor’s death. Endowments can be major donations, but they can also be smaller gifts, particularly donations to the unrestricted fund.
Types of endowment funds include unrestricted gifts that can be used at Spectrum360’s discretion or restricted gifts that are designed for a particular purpose. Endowments are wonderful ways to make an honorary or memorial gift. For example, we have recently decided to donate to the endowment fund and we hope that the proceeds from the endowment will assist in funding critical respite opportunities for families at Independence360 who cannot afford the cost of such services.
Building an endowment is one of the most important challenges facing our Spectrum360 community. With help from you, your family and friends, we can ensure opportunities for our children and future generations. For more information on endowment gifts, please contact Kerry Guzman at 973-509-3050 x237.